Latest approach

Matthew Temkin and Szymon Anders have met in 2007. Since then we spent couple of weeks on shooting and hand to hand training during two additional meetings. Until now dozens of police officers and civilian were acquainted with Point Shooting and Defendu hand to hand techniques. After few years we created Defendu Shooting Society as a shooting club and along with Wojciech Gortych in 2019 we decided to create Polish American company to provide consistency in PS teaching classes.

Foreign courses: Denmark, Sweden, Poland

The early beginings

As the son of a WW2 Ranger who was trained by the British Commandos and also a friend and student of Col. Applegate for seven years I highly recommend these methods. I consider this method as the most important shooting knowledge. Why these (and Rex Applegate's) methods fell out of favor for the nonsense being taught for the past 20 years is almost a sin. Modern law enforcement/military instructors are finally practicing these methods and so should you.


Defendu LLC

Polish Poland American USA company

Point Shooting, Defendu, WWII combatives, Force on Force non-lethal training and more...

Join the club

If you want to train shooting on a daily basis - join the Defendu Shooting Society

Discounted prices for club members


Mobile 1
Mobile 2
501 Silverside Road, Suite 105 #4280 Wilmington, DE 19809 USA